Trammell Crow Company (TCC), is a leading global developer and investor in commercial real estate. More information on TCC can be found here. TCC acquired the Heywood Stores site in May 2022 with the aim of developing the site for modern logistics and employment space that meets the latest requirements of potential occupiers.
Following the pre-application consultation and review of feedback received from the public and stakeholders, TCC is intending to submit a planning application for ;
- 3 new units (Use Class B8), totalling 45,755 sqm (GEA) split out as follows Unit 1 - 4,918 sq m, Unit 2 – 4,528 sq m, Unit 3 – 36,309 sq m.
- Approximate eaves height of 12m and ridge height of 15.5m for Units 1 and 2 and eaves of 18 m and a ridge height of 21.1m for Unit 3.
- 398 car parking spaces in total, including 21 EV charging spaces, 26 accessible spaces and 18 car sharing spaces.
- Provision of 61 cycle parking spaces.
- 29,170 sqm of green space, tree planting and habitat creation;
- SuDS, including a surface water attenuation feature.
The proposed development would deliver significant socio-economic benefits to the local and regional economy. The development will;
- Create over 600 FTE onsite jobs when fully operational
- Provide a mix of jobs with a substantial number of middle and high skilled opportunities
- Deliver £30.7 million GVA per annum to the local economy
- Deliver a further 180 FTE offsite jobs with a further £12.5 million estimated GVA for the regional economy
- Create 390 FTE construction workers for 1.1 years
- Create training and apprenticeship opportunities for operational and construction phases
- Deliver an estimated £830,000 in annual Business Rates to Rochdale
Trammell Crow Company (TCC) is committed to working with Rochdale Council and local agencies to maximise the opportunities the proposed development will bring to the local area.
The design team is also looking at enhancements to the local environment including improved landscaping and boundary treatment and ecology.
The buildings will be designed to meet modern occupier requirements and be designed to BREAM Excellent. The development will also include EV charging points and photovoltaics.
The site is an under-utilised brownfield site and lies directly adjacent to the South Heywood Masterplan which has permission for a major mixed-use development comprising residential development and 135,000 sqm of commercial floorspace (ref: 16/01399/HYBR).
A Lawful Development Certificate was granted on 14 December 2021 which confirmed that the site’s existing lawful use was Use Class B8 (comprising circa 31,900 sqm of floorspace).
Trammell Crow Company (TCC) is aiming for submission of the planning application in October 2022.
The existing access will continue to be from Manchester Road and will also be enhanced as part of the proposed development.
Over 600 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) onsite jobs are estimated to be created once fully operational. There will be a further 180 FTE offsite jobs and 390 FTE construction workers for 1.1 years.
There will be a range of jobs created with a substantial number of middle and high skilled opportunities. It is estimated that just 25% of jobs are categorised as ‘low skilled’ in modern logistics facilities such as the ones being proposed here at Heywood.
Trammell Crow Company is working with Rochdale Council, Rochdale Development Agency and other local agencies to ensure the benefits, including job and training opportunities are maximised locally.
Demolition is to start in April 2023, our target construction start is September 2023 with a target completion of construction phase being May 2024.
Given the proposed use of the site for storage and distribution purposes it will not include any significant point sources of emissions with global warming potential.
The Applicant also has aspirations to minimise the carbon emissions of the proposals by delivering a highly efficient new development. This will be demonstrated through an Energy and Sustainability Assessment, showing carbon reductions, the use of renewable energy and a minimum BREEAM ‘Excellent’ score.
If the planning application is granted consent then the appointed contractor would submit a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) which would outline how the contractor plans to avoid, minimise or mitigate effects on the environment and surrounding area including monitoring and management of construction noise, vibrations and working hours for construction.
If you have any additional questions you can contact us directly through the following channels;
Telephone: 07809 140016
Post: Freepost UK NETWORKS