The site is not allocated for a specific use as part of the Council’s Development Plan. However, planning policy supports the principle of reusing of previously developed land and the continuation of employment uses at the site.
The site’s southern and western boundaries lie adjacent to the South Heywood Masterplan area which comprises, up to 1,000 new homes, 135,460 sq m of employment floorspace and 2,500 sq m of commercial uses, a primary school and a new link road from Junction 19 of the M62. This was granted outline planning permission in March 2020 (ref. 16/01399/HYBR) and since this time, several reserved matters submissions have either been submitted or approved for various forms of development.
Trammell Crow Company has undertaken extensive and positive pre-application engagement with the Council prior to the start of this consultation exercise. This has included discussions around the design and layout of the scheme to ensure suitable heights and separation distances between existing and new development surrounding the site.